Permata Agama yang diredhai ALLAH..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

She is The Person..

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah.

Selawat dan salam buat Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammnad sollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Alhamdulillah, masih diberikan kesempatan untuk menjalankan amanah dalam menulis dan memberi.

Saya berkesempatan untuk mengulang tonton beberapa episod dari cerita bersiri Korea 'Jewel In The Palace'. Saya pernah menontonnya di TV suatu ketika dahulu. Sudah agak lama cerita ini, namun ketika itu ditayangkan dengan peralihan bahasa ke Bahasa Mandarin (kalau tak salah saya). Sedang menontonnya, ada babak yang menarik minat saya untuk dikongsikan di sini.

Ianya merupakan sesi 'teka-teki' yang diberikan oleh seorang 'physician lady' kepada King's mother. Soalannya begini..

"It's a person.. This person was a food examiner for the King from the olden times. The Chinese "food examiner" originates from this person. This person was a 'slave' of a family, so this person did all types of menial work. And this person was also a teacher to everyone in the family. There is a legend that says when this person was living, all the world was covered with mountains but when this person died, all the world was covered with water."

Who is the person?

Maka, jawapan yang diberikannya adalah..

"This lady's main job was as a 'food examiner'. She examines how a child eats, sleeps and everything else. A 'food examiner' always think about what the King should not eat and what food is beneficial to the King's health. She thinks of the King's health and food day and night. So the Chinese emperor started the office of 'food examiner' because of this person. So, this person becomes the 'food examiner'.
 This lady is a slave in the family but a teacher to the family. She puts clothes on the child even if she's cold, she feeds the child even though she's hungry, she gives comfort to child even though she's uncomfortable. So, she lives a life that may be more laborious than a slave. But, without such care of her, how could a child learn to put on clothes or eat by himself? So she is the most wearied slave and the best teacher in a family.
When this lady is alive, the whole world is covered with mountains, but when she died the whole world is covered with water. When she is alive, she must be a strong mountain to the child. Once she is dead, the child's tear will make a sea.
The person is a MOTHER."

Itu pandangan mereka yang bukan beragama Islam. Lalu, dimanakah peranan kita sebagai seorang yang mengaku beragama Islam, mengaku beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul, mentaati sepenuhnya kepada kedua ibu bapa kita. 

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."
(Surah al-Isra', 17 : 23-24) 

Walaupun, ura-ura mengatakan 8 Mei (esok) [ataupun tak kisahlah bila2] adalah hari ibu, namun perlulah kita ingat, hari-hari adalah hari yang perlu kita hargai ibu, mak, umi, mama, ma kita. Laksanakanlah tanggungjawab dan peranan kita sebagai seorang anak sebaiknya, selagi mana kita masih hidup, atau selagi mana mereka masih hidup.

Buat mereka yang sudah pun bergelar ibu, setahun, lima tahun, atau berpuluh-puluh tahun, ketahuilah bahawa diri kalian adalah insan yang terbaik yang dijanjikan oleh Allah bahawa syurga anak terletak di bawah telapak kaki ibu. Doa kalian adalah doa yang insyaAllah didengari Allah. Kasih sayang yang kalian curahkan tidak mampu terbalas oleh anak-anak yang kalian tatang bagai minyak yang penuh. Siapalah si anak andai bukan insan yang bergelar ibu yang melahirkannya ke dunia. Semuanya adalah kerana kehendak Allah, dirimu dimuliakan sebagai seorang IBU.

Inilah mak saya dunia akhirat, Romalia Zainol :)

Sekian tinta untuk hari ini ^^

Moga ada manfaatnya bersama.

Wallahu a'lam.

p/s: lirik lagu Delusi Ummi (oleh Nice) boleh di dapati di sini..

~ Aslih Nafsak Wad'u Ghairak ~

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